David Kennerson- Founder & CEO
Why I started “Be Better Than Yesterday” LLc
This brand is here today because of passion. My passion for the game of football is what drove me to start this business. From my dorm room in collage at Southern University and A&M College to my office now, this brand has become who I am today. I always dreamed of becoming a professional football player and through my time in college I was for sure it would come true. Unfortunately, while attending Southern my football career was cut short due to the university mishandling my transcripts which left me ineligible to play NCAA football my senior year. Though I didn’t let this stop me from chasing my dreams to play in the NFL, I knew I needed to work 10x harder to make this happen. Through those long nights and early mornings, “Be Better Than Yesterday” was started. The name came to me while sitting in my dorm room listening to motivational speeches and the more, I said this to myself the more the name stuck with me. After a short period of time “BBTY” became my own personal mantra. It has gotten me through the long days of practice and preparation for my NFL pro-day. As the pro-day arrived, I was as ready as one could ever be. While killing it on the field during drills and testing, it crushed me to hear that “you did great and we would sign you, but you do not have enough film to go off of.” I didn’t let this roadblock stop me from achieving my dream of becoming a professional football player and I continued to chase this dream. As the years passed, I continued to train but I was never signed. Realizing that I had failed at the only dream I ever had broke me. I sank into a depression trying to cope with the loss of my identity. But through those dark times I always said to myself “Be Better Than Yesterday.” Saying this to myself helped me to realize that I never failed at my dreams I just needed transfer my passion. I told myself that if I put the same energy into “Be Better Than Yesterday” as I did with football then the reward would be far grater than the regret. I stared this brand to show the world that failure is not a dead end but a crossroad.
Mission Satement
Our mission is to change the world from the inside out. We believe that everyone has a “better version” of themselves that has not been tapped into yet. We aim to inspire our customers to believe through inspirational coaching and mentoring. As the mindsets improve, the body will soon change through physical fitness. We will sustainably deliver the best quality activewear and accessories that will inspire our customers to continuously repeat this cycle.
Vision Statement
To inspire the world to never stop improving.
‘If you’re still breathing then you’re still improving” - David Kennerson